Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Godfather opening scene

Camera always looking slightly down, makes you feel your looking in on the situation almost feels as though you shouldn't be there because you're looking in on something that's clearly private and people who are 'up to no good'. Only ever looks up at 'The Godfather' making him seem much more powerful than anyone else in the room.
There is a close up on the other mans face at the beginning that for anyone who hasn't seen it makes you think he's the main character, it then zooms out to show the surroundings that are all fairly plain. Which makes you wonder where they are and why.
The lighting is very dark making it yet more suspicious and mysterious and when the camera finally shows The Godfather himself it is mainly him in the shot only showing a man stood behind him showing his importance but also hinting at the controversy about him if he feels the need to have a man almost guarding him. It also shows an empty desk that portrays the kind of work he does as being illegal not the kind of work that there would be any paperwork for like for any legal job. The camera follows 'The Godfather around yet again showing importance, showing that he is wearing a suit with a rose that almost shows a softer side to him that he clearly very much cares about his daughter and wants her wedding to be perfect.
The music at the beginning is non-digetic and makes you feel slightly uneasy about what is happening. The rest of the sound like doors closing and the music from the wedding is digetic.

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