Monday 26 September 2011

Audience theory

Exam speak
  • The issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions.
  • The ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour.
Blumer; 4 part audience theory.
  1. The people viewing the film come from all walks of life, for examoke ou could be sat between a lawyer and a bin man.
  2. The audience come on their own and not with other people don't talk to the person sitting next to them.
  3. Once you've watched the film you won't talk about it with either the person you came with or friends after you've seen the film.
  4. It's coincidence that you are there, people don't organise themselves as a crowd.
Uses and Gratifications
McQuail and Katz
a) the need for information about our geographical and social world news and dra
b) the need for identity, by using characters and personalities to define our sense of self 
and social behaviour film celeb
c) the need for social interaction through experiencing the relationships and interaction of 
d) the need for diversion by using the media for purposes of play and entertainment. 

Thursday 15 September 2011

Spike Jonze

American director as well as actor, got an academy award for best director in 2002. Produced music videos for Weezer and the Beastie Boys. Directed where the wild things are. Does a lot of work with skateboarding and BMX videos. Very striking approach to his video's, they're all very different but quite childish, likes to bend reality and include a lot of destruction.
Uses a lot of point of view shots and panning shots.


Consists of Jason Groves, Richard Kenworth and Chris Harding and was formed in 1994.
'An eye for an eye' won the best British animation in 2002, and again in 2004 for Blurs music video 'Good Song'.
Influenced by every day life such as comics, films, books, art and even just walking in the park. Focus on Animations/cartoons and like to use bright colours.
Made the title sequence for Scott Pilgrim vs the world as well as the It crowd and many more and various commercials including one for Gap.
Shynola like to create very odd and different video's such as this music video for Blur.

Wes Anderson

Has made 7 films: Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenebaums, The life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Darjeeling limited, Fantastic Mr fox.
Also done TV commercials for Ikea, Dasani Bottled water, American Express and others.
Likes to use Bright colours as well as natural to create a more realistic feel and uses aarly British rock or folk music in his films.

He also likes to use his preffered Actors/Actresses more than once for example Owen Wilson and Bill Murray.

Michael Bay

Producer of: Transformers, Armageddon, A nightmare on elm street, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Unborn, the Amityvile Horror, pearl harbor, I am Number four, The Hitcher, Friday the 13th and more.
Directed: Transformers, The Island, Badboys, Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, The rock.
Well renowned for his dislike towards women and kills them off in terrible ways in his film, uses them more like props. Always uses cars, explosions and slow motion shots.
Directed/produced Music videos for people such as Meat Loaf, Aerosmith, Donny Osmond and Lionel Richie.
Used the same scene from the island (2005) in transformers 3 (2011) and although his movies get bad reviews he seems none the less quite proud of them.

This is very typical of his work as it involves attractive women, cars and explosions.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Media Key Concepts.


  • How the media makes something seem/how it is portrayed. Can be people cities moods etc.
  • Linked with target audience.
Media Language - how they acheive the above:
  • Use of language (speech/dialect)
  • Use of colour
  • Costume
  • Setting
  • Editing/cuts
  • Camera angles
  • Lighting/Shadows
  • Music/sound (Digetic/non-digetic.)
  • Response to the representation
  • Target audience
  • Generic conventions
  • Linked to representation.
  • How is the story line organised.
  • Narrative theory.

Monday 5 September 2011

I have chosen to study media because I am interested in maybe following a career in advertising... The other subjects I'm doing are Psycology, English Lit and Maths.
My favourite band/artist would probably be either Limp Bizkit, Two door cinema club, Priscilla Ahn, your demise, The libertines and the strokes.

My favourite tv shows would probably be House, 90210, Desperate Housewives and One Tree Hill.
My favourite films would probably be Transformers, Dispicable me, and Sweeny Todd.

I tend to read kerrang magazine purely because there was some glitch when I ordered it about a year ago and now they send it for free... I also try to buy NME whenever possible.